Social media is in the heart of our generation, it is the way we communicate; interact with each other, and it obviously going to have even more greater impact on the next generation. It has replaced old values for new ones, for example, people prefer typing “g” instead of simply picking up the phone and calling. Also people no longer have to worry about being lost, because most of our cell phones are so high tech that they have GPS system build right into them, which tell the direction to where you are and where you would like to go.
Like every good thing, there is some catch to it. One can say with all this technology , there is no way all can be bad, people just have to use them the right way. well realistically some people don’t use them the right way, and when they do not, it effect great amount of people. Technologic and mass media had become so big that it distracting us from the other things , for instance, going to the gym instead of updating your twitter account every couple of minute, watching TV all day or playing video games all night knowing that you have to study for a math test in the morning.
Mass media is like a very addicting drug, once you get hooked, you are hooked. I personally cannot go a day without my cell phone in my pocket. I would rather turn back around in the middle of the freeway to get my cell phone. Just the thought of not having my cell phone with me is enough to drive me immensely crazy.
Our whole life is connected to the media, whether its by phone, computer or good old television; we love our entertainment devises.